We are a theater-based elementary school in Mitte, district Wedding in Berlin. As a so called `risk school ́, it accommodates children from around 25 nations with a variety of educational backgrounds and social structures. Approximately 70% of the children have a migrant background and about 78% of the students come from socially disadvantaged families (receive transfer payments).11% of children have special educational needs (`mental desease ́,` learning', `physical development',` language', `emotional-social development'). With around 630 pupils, it is one of the largest elementary schools in Berlin. There are 12 mixed classes of grades 1, 2 and 3, 2 homogeneous 1st grades and 13 homogeneous grades of grades 4, 5 and 6. The Erika Mann primary school is an open all-day school, it is open from 6:00 to 18:00 and offers opportunities to `learn all day long 'with different emphases. It is one of the districts where most of the poor children live. One consequence of this is that many children are subject to significant problems and stress during the transition from nursery school to school. Among other things, there are language deficits, motor deficits, tooth damage, overweight or underweight, deficits in the area of social skills. Take into account this background, we tried to focus on the competences children have. The starting point is the thought: 'Our children can do something'. `Our school is a place of learning',`Our school is a place of living ' and `Our school is a place of relatives'. On this basis, the concepts and principles of Erika Mann primary school have been developed. Diversity is understood as an opportunity that gives children the opportunity to learn and to learn from each other.We work inclusive, meaning that every child is supported at their individual performance level, regardless of whether it is a migrant child, a child with little social skills, or if there is special educational needs or not. Based on the theater profile, we have learned that it is possible to give each child the right to education in different ways. The diversity of our children is the basis for our work.The emphasis on the theater is a central component of our inclusive approach. Through improvisation the children bring their own thoughts and feelings into the work and are thus the central starting point for the work. In the spirit of our namesake, we design an open school in the neighborhood at the Erika Mann Elementary School. Schools motivation to join the Erasmus project! Playing theatre means to get into different rolls, to know about different characters, to know about different stories and different books and, of course about different countries and different people. In our school we have a group of teachers and educators who are interested to work in this program. So, if one or two will change, there are the others who will go on in the project. At least there are other teachers who showed their interest in the project.