Project logo
Maja Dolenec i učenici 7.razreda
English teacher Maja Dolenec and the 7th grade students
7th grade students tried to link English words that are connected to the project topic Let Me Tell You a Story and fairy tales. We used brainstorming techniques to accomplish that. After the students wrote 15 to 20 words, they started to design the layout of the project logo. Students Dina, Nikol and Ema designed their logo for the project. Ema's logo was chosen as team Croatia's logo in Erasmus+ Let Me Tell You a Story project.
Portugal - Madeira
After doing a research and a study about the elements of the logo, we choose a boy reading a book as a central element. Then students created their own logos from the chosen central elementd and voted to choose the one for the project. Here’s the final result.
At the Šmarje pri Jelšah Primary School with its branches, we selected a logo in cooperation with Jože Božiček, a professor of art pedagogy. Pupils created them under the mentorship of their teachers even before the schools closed in March. Over seventy products were created.
United Kingdom
In year 4, children explored the concept of fairytales and the flags of our partner schools. Each child then created their own logo. Children and staff voted for their favourite. These were our top two logos.