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Mehmet Akif Ersoy Primary school has 445 pupils both in kindergarten and primary part.Pupils are between 4-10 aged. The schools has 29teachers. The school staff is open to new implementations. There are smart boards in each class and classes are not more than 25pupils.
Although we can reach to the other side of the world with the developing technology, school parents cannot help their children in the very early stages of education because their education levels are low and cannot follow the technology. In order to help them support their children at school we believe this project will be a guide for them. By giving education via fairy tales will make the learning easier and permanent. It improves children's creativity, problem solving abilities, communication and language abilities. Moreover, as to the results of 2016 PISA exam where 540thousand pupils have participated we have been in the 50th row among 72 countries. This shows that reading habit and understanding what is read should be improved. This project will also support us on this subject. The key person will be Jbdun Uysal English teacher who is experienced in Erasmus+ projects.She will help the unexperienced partners during the implementation of the project. If she quits, Filiz will take over her role. She is our school's consultant teacher. We have class teachers and Consultant teacher in the project team. The school staff will contribute to this project with its experience in ErasmuÅŸ+ projects.

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